Sasthra Astro & Gems
Service Provider of vedic astrology services, career astrology services & medical astrology services in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Who I Am?

Providing you the best range of Vedic Astrology Services, Career Astrology Services, Medical Astrology Services, Love Marriage Specialist Astrology Services and Premium Astrology Services with effective & timely delivery.


To provide accurate and in-depth analysis of problems narrated by our esteemed clients and provide effective solutions for their cause.

List of Services


Vedic Astrology Services


Career Astrology Services


Medical Astrology Services


Love Marriage Specialist Astrology Services


We aspire to be the most accurate and dependable horoscope astrology service provider not only for people in South India, but in the whole world. Our growing clientele and their growing trust in us, is to enable us to achieve our goal. We make you aware your unforeseen problems and guide you to handle these in a way so as to cause least harm. We suggest alternate ways to resolve your issues successfully. Sasthra Astro & Gems is working ceaselessly for almost many years, to be “Your own Astrologer”

Get In Touch

Sasthra Astro & Gems

  • 98420 19780

  • 36/2 ,Ashirvad Complex ,D.B Road ,R.S Puram, Rs Puram,Coimbatore-641002, Tamil Nadu, India

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